Computers, Science and Technology
The incredible technological innovations occurring in the world today keep life as a law firm IT director exciting. These advances also bring added pressure to innovate and use new technology to add value and efficiency to client services. IBM Watson for law firms is...
Computers, Science and Technology
One of the fastest growing fields in business today is data analytics: the ability to cull through data, compile it into a usable format, make a visual display of the data, and deliver it to users so they can make informed decisions. The effective use of data...
Computers, Science and Technology
In the past, law firms protected confidential and sensitive data by securing it in locked file cabinets within locked rooms. Now, almost all information is manipulated and stored electronically. Even printed or handwritten documents are scanned and stored digitally in...
Computers, Science and Technology
Anymore, tech is an integral part of successful businesses of all shapes and sizes. With regular use of technology, however, comes the risk of keeping your digital assets—and those of your clients-safe. Businesses routinely lock their doors when closed, but few take...
Computers, Science and Technology
The mass adoption of cloud computing over the last decade or so has changed the way businesses operate, but the world’s hunger for data and connectivity continues to push IT infrastructure and design in new directions. Some of the technologies that are being used to...
Computers, Science and Technology
Maybe you think it won’t happen to your business because your business just isn’t that large and important. Yet 60 percent of small businesses have experienced cyber attacks in the form of denial of service attacks, phishing, and social engineering attacks. The...